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Portable Hole Podcast

Feb 6, 2024

In this conversation, Ryan and Justin discuss their recent experiences in Key West, their recommendations for movies and documentaries, and the scandal surrounding Vince McMahon. They also talk about a miscommunication regarding the Reacher books and share their thoughts on the TV show adaptation. They compare Season 1 and Season 2 of the show, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each season. The second part of the conversation focuses on the disappointments and flaws of the second season of the show. The main themes include the disappointing villains and lazy writing, the importance of having fun with a show, glaring inconsistencies and lazy writing, the lack of motivation for the head villain, the chemistry between Reacher and the police officer, the disappointing ending, unestablished character and loose ends, and the disappointment in fight scenes. The hosts give their final thoughts and ratings for the season.

00:00 Introduction and Justin  Busking and reckless driving Key West
04:44 What we're watching
12:12 Discussion on NFL Rigging Playoffs and Taylor Swift
14:08 Discussion on Vince McMahon Scandal
24:53 Reacher Season 2 Review

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